Apr 2, 2021Liked by Peter Berkes

What is one meal you will always order out vs attempting at home

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Peter Berkes

I recently melted the plastic to my instant pot lid when it was too close to the stove top and I didn't notice it. I was at a friend's house when a small fire broke out, but was quickly dealt with. What been your biggest or most embarrassing kitchen mishap you've had (aside from botching a recipe)?

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Peter Berkes

Do you cook with tofu much? I'm trying to do more vegetarian meals but don't know the first thing about tofu.

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Where would you like to travel to this year?

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What kitchen gadgets do you use? What ones do you think are overblown. I like my instant pot and crock pot. I've been thinking of an air fryer thoughts?

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How can I improve my tuna melt making endeavors? I'm generally happy with how they turn out now, but I feel like I could be doing more.

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Do you have a favorite project recipe? Like, something that takes days/weeks/months to fully complete.

A few years back I started doing fermented hot sauce- a Frankenrecipe's monster between It's Alive and Serious Eats' takes on it, and I've grown to love the annual tradition (and tweaking)

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With the culinary offerings of Rochester, New York being largely a mystery to me, if I were to swing through for a full day, where should I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? I want to both enjoy the food AND get a sense of what's special or unique to the area. Note: I do not want a garbage plate.

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What is the correct inseam length for casual non-gym shorts?

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